Traditional teaching sessions
Mix and match the old with the new. Combine the Philips D-Line and Q-Line signage solutions as well as Philips touch monitors with your existing whiteboards and chalkboards to create a classic classroom feel that can also bring lessons to life through mixed media.

Traditional meets digital
You want traditional chalkboards but still need digital content to engage students?
You need to captivate your audience?
You want both collaborative and informative teaching styles?
Solution components
Discover below what components are necessary to implement this type of solution

Interactive teaching
I3 Learnhub
Combined with Philips T-Line, our interactive classroom display, i3LEARNHUB software is a cloud-based learning platform enabling teachers to bring digital content to students, stimulate collaboration and prepare students with 21st century learning skills. In classroom and from home.
They did it
Success stories

Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium revolutionizes learning with PPDS
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