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A word on sustainability from our General Manager

Environmental concerns and sustainable business. Two incredibly emotive topics that deserve great attention and, more importantly, decisive action.

At PPDS, as a part of TPV Technology – the world’s largest manufacturer of monitors and a leading provider of display solutions – and with the exclusive rights to bring Philips-branded professional displays to customers around the globe, sustainability is one of the pillars upon which we base our business. Bringing products to market that, from their inception to installation and beyond, deliver on quality, safety and experience for our people, our partners and, of course, for our customers.

Last year TPV became a signatory of the UN Global Compact, committing to its ten principles. These lay out fundamental responsibilities for businesses in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Meanwhile, from a global number 2 position in the 100 most sustainably managed companies in the world*, Philips encourages us to strive towards even better sustainability in the B2B environment.

“Setting the foundations for sustainable business growth, we are placing the UN Global Compact principals at our core”


As an organisation, together with TP Vision and MMD, at PPDS we are working to incorporate the ten principles of the UN Global Compact into our own strategies, policies and procedures. Setting the foundations for sustainable business growth, we are placing these guiding principals at our core – establishing a culture in which we are all committed to making a positive impact for our extended communities, for all people and for our planet as a whole.

From the ideas to the actions, right through to the end results, everything starts with the people. And our people here at PPDS are committed to bringing our vision into being. We are only at the beginning of this journey and we are proud of our progress so far and our plans for the near future.

Chris Colpaert

General Manager PPDS

Learn more about sustainability at PPDS...

*Source: Wall Street Journal 2020

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